Lean Orthodontics Blog

Was ist Praxismarketing und warum ist es so wichtig?

The no. 1 secret to LeanOrthodontics®: Stop wasting

Lean management is a business improvement strategy that zeros in on the true needs of the customer by preventing waste…

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Wann solltest Du in Deiner Praxis die Reißleine ziehen – und warum überhaupt?

Benefits of lean management in healthcare

Healthcare, like any other major work sector, abides by the creative need to constantly evolve and advance. Problems with delivering…

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Welche Rolle spielen Emotionen in einer kieferorthopädischen

What is lean & what does it do for your orthodontic practice?

Today, competition in the global market is exceedingly high. Amidst companies trying to maximize their productivity and reduce waste, practice…

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