Lean Orthodontics Blog

Welche Rolle spielen Emotionen in einer kieferorthopädischen

Your bulletproof ortho practice needs to be foolproof first – that’s Poka-Yoke

Techniques for standardization of work and prevention of errors and defects have been deeply rooted in the principles of lean…

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Was ist eine Customer Journey?

You won’t believe what will happen to your team when the PDCA cycle becomes second nature

The PDCA or Plan-do-check-act cycle is a four-step model for carrying out change. It is an essential project planning tool…

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Customer Empowerment – was es ist und was es für dich

How to get to the root of any problem much faster than before – the 5-W questioning method

Taiichi Ohno affirmed that the basis of Toyota’s scientific approach is to ask five times why a problem occurs in…

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Wann solltest Du in Deiner Praxis die Reißleine ziehen – und warum überhaupt?

Walk this way – talk this way: the Gemba walk

As a leader, you cannot simply expect your team to be working as efficiently and dedicatedly as you’d like them…

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Welche Arten von Customer Touchpoints gibt es?

Why habits and routines are essential in LeanOrthodontics® and life

Work processes in your practice are closely linked to building worthy habits and performing them in a regular cycle. Only…

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When you need to see both sides of a customer journey – cooperation with other service providers

When you’re working in the service industry, collaborating with third-party service providers is an essential trait and doing so with…

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Why you need to understand the patient treatment process

While brandishing a reliable daily routine is important to keep up with the rhythm of your practice, it is also…

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How to manage your energy flow by smooth daily routines

Possibly the most common task performed by practices is patient appointment scheduling, so you’d think that it is pretty straightforward…

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R’n’B of your orthodontic clinic – observe the rhythm and pace of your practice

Each company has a set of processes and timelines by which it operates. A key aspect of an orthodontic practice…

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When you are already falling – who’s pulling the ripcord?

Every practice should support the provision for the figurative “ripcord” so that you can halt an ongoing process and resort…

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When your practice is about to crash: Pull the ripcord at the right time

In times of chaos and crisis, pulling the ripcord, of course figuratively, may be imperative. But, anyone who might need…

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Without a smart problem reporting system, you will always grope about in the dark

Introducing the distribution of tasks with warning signals for expired deadlines is unfortunately not enough to sustain the idea of…

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Was ist eine Customer Journey?

Regain control over your workplace with the 5-S-Method

The 5-S method is an innovative philosophy of organizing a workplace to make it clean, safe, and well-organized. By reinforcing…

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Diese 7 Schritte machen Deine Praxis lean

Why setting up the workplace is more than ergonomics

Workplace organization necessitates more than just efficient delegation. The provision of all necessary resources is crucial to keep your practice…

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Welche Methoden zum Messen der Kundenzufriedenheit gibt es?

Do this and your team will love when you delegate (Levels of delegation)

Delegation is one of the most important skills for leaders to learn and apply in their practice. When you learn…

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