Lean Orthodontics Blog

Was ist eine Customer Journey?

Regain control over your workplace with the 5-S-Method

The 5-S method is an innovative philosophy of organizing a workplace to make it clean, safe, and well-organized. By reinforcing…

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Diese 7 Schritte machen Deine Praxis lean

Why setting up the workplace is more than ergonomics

Workplace organization necessitates more than just efficient delegation. The provision of all necessary resources is crucial to keep your practice…

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Welche Methoden zum Messen der Kundenzufriedenheit gibt es?

Do this and your team will love when you delegate (Levels of delegation)

Delegation is one of the most important skills for leaders to learn and apply in their practice. When you learn…

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Weshalb ist ein effektives Beschwerdemanagement so wichtig?

The 7 steps highly successful people user for delegation

Despite hiring bright minds and deft hands, leaders often find themselves overburdened or overloaded with tasks. The key here is…

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Wie sieht die optimale Über Mich Seite aus?

Why your delegation doesn’t work yet

Many leaders are well-acquainted with the many benefits of delegation but might suffer knowing about them only in passing. If…

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Was solltest Du bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Dienstleistern beachten?

How to simply optimize the organization of workplaces (5-S-Method)

As a practice owner, the workplace becomes the most strategic tool to reinforce certain behavior that can ultimately optimize productivity…

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Was ist Praxismarketing und warum ist es so wichtig?

Quality assurance and further development

Every trillion-dollar idea needs meticulous testing and reinforcement before it is released to the masses, why? Because we want to…

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Customer Empowerment – was es ist und was es für dich

Why problem management is the key to growth and change

In service industries, there is an odd tendency to focus on resolving immediate incidents rather than addressing the underlying issues….

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Was solltest Du bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Dienstleistern beachten?

When something goes wrong – be grateful for the chance to improve

At the crux of major changes in the system, there can be a lot of resistance when it comes to…

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Success is a habit – How to form habits that last

Good quality management helps you achieve and maintain the desired level of quality within your dental practice. We are in…

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Was ist Praxismarketing und warum ist es so wichtig?

How to achieve economic growth the easy way

Kaizen, the Japanese terminology for “good change” or “change for the better” is a process of innovation that necessitates the…

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LeanOrthodontics® – Better results despite simplified treatment

Patient satisfaction is often considered with how the patient evaluated the healthcare experience. You might equate higher patient satisfaction with…

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What’s your goal in orthodontics? The gold standard of treatment

Patient satisfaction plays a critical role in determining the standard or quality of services you are offering to your dedicated…

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Win your patients back with smart complaints management

Let’s talk about patient satisfaction for a second. Patient satisfaction might be one of the most reliable tools to measure…

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How continuous improvement can break your team (too big steps; no reward)

In Japanese business terminology, the term “kaizen” translates to “continuous improvement” or a “change for the better”. This accurately describes…

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