Lean Orthodontics Blog

Was versteht man unter Customer Touchpoint Mapping?

AI And Orthodontics: A Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiosis is used to describe a relationship between two organisms in biology. Three different types of symbiotic relationships exist i.e.,…

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Welche Methoden zum Messen der Kundenzufriedenheit gibt es?

Bias In Orthodontic AI: Ensuring Fairness In Treatment Planning

Fairness is among the core principles of healthcare. All healthcare providers are supposed to be well-wishers of all their patients…

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Worauf solltest du bei der Touchpoint Analyse achten?

AI-Driven Orthodontics: Balancing Innovation With Patient Safety

The digitalization of healthcare provides numerous innovative solutions to medical problems. However, the automation process has raised numerous concerns about…

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Darum solltest du eine Serviceliste führen

The Future Of Orthodontics: AI And Machine Learning

Many of us expected to flying cars by the start of 2020 but that didn’t happen. However, the closest we…

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Welche Arten von Customer Touchpoints gibt es?

Noise Reduction In Orthodontic AI: Techniques And Best Practices

Noise in medical imaging is a curse that can waste time and may even lead to mis- or under-diagnosis. Image…

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Was sind einzelne Touchpoints wert?

AI In Orthodontic Diagnosis: Reducing Errors And Enhancing Precision

The implementation of artificial intelligence in the field of orthodontics has numerous benefits. From quickly providing a cephalometric report to…

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Customer Empowerment – was es ist und was es für dich

Bias In AI Orthodontics: Clinical And Ethical Perspectives

The development of automated clinical applications aims to reduce the burden on the doctor and enhance the provision of quality…

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Diese unterschiedlichen Arten von Touchpoints solltest du kennen

AI In Orthodontics: Transforming Patient Care

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing all fields of healthcare including dentistry. Recently, the rise of ChatGPT4.0 took the internet by storm,…

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Was ist der PDCA Zyklus?

Addressing Noise In Orthodontic AI Models

There are multiple meanings of noise in the field of healthcare. Unwanted artifacts and graininess of medical imaging constitute imaging…

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Warum Verantwortung und Feedback für deinen Praxisalltag so wichtig sind…

AI-Enhanced Orthodontic Imaging: Accuracy And Reliability

Orthodontics is a vast field that transforms the facial appearance of the patient. By correcting malocclusions and crooked teeth, orthodontists…

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Welche Arten von Customer Touchpoints gibt es?

Bias And Ethics In AI-Based Orthodontic Decision-Making

Bias in healthcare can directly impact the quality of decision-making. Various types of bias can affect a doctor’s diagnostic and…

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Welche vier Persönlichkeitstypen gibt es?

AI And Orthodontics: Bridging The Gap Between Technology And Practice

Technological advancements are making the world a better place. The advent of new programs and devices helps reduce human labor….

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Worauf solltest du bei der Touchpoint Analyse achten?

The Impact Of AI On Orthodontic Practice Efficiency

Implementation of AI and machine learning in healthcare setups has many perks. The introduction of automation in medicine and dentistry…

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Lean im Gesundheitswesen: Diese 5 Punkte
werden relevant

AI In Orthodontics: A New Era Of Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is an emerging approach to personalized disease diagnosis and treatment planning. Modern healthcare providers emphasize taking into account…

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Diese unterschiedlichen Arten von Touchpoints solltest du kennen

Orthodontic AI: Addressing And Overcoming Bias

Bias has long been a part of the healthcare industry. The advancements in the field of medicine and surgery have…

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